Practice vacating the complicated daily life and remaining in the present
As you walk along the serene alleyway of Seochon Nuha-dong surrounded by low hanok, there stands a small hanok with the sign 'Nujung' at a deadend street. House Nu(樓), gazebo Jung(亭). The name was given as the gazebo under the house. Inspired by the image of our ancestors enjoying art and meditation amid nature, this space is mainly composed of the keywords, breathe and experience of mediation. Practice vacating complexities and relax on the wide wooden floor, or recite reposing and remaining in the present by admiring the window that fully embraces the scenery.
Nujung is a space that yearns to become a small haven in hanok village, that consists of a garden, wooden floor, bathtub, and bedroom. These four petite areas that are connected organizationally, helps individuals to recover their natural and deep breathe. The first thing you see when you open the main gate and come inside is the garden. The pagoda tree rustling along the flow of wind above the eaves is simple and natural. The wooden floor and bathtub displayed through the spacious window spreads out in the space like a piece of artwork. It would be nice to sit calmly on the wooden floor and enjoy tea, or have a relaxing time in the tub while feeling the placid warmth. The low window next to the cozy bedroom allows the light to shine softly through the leaves. Stare at the movement of the light and be aware of your existence here.
It is not easy to recognize your breathe in the constantly repeated daily routine. Nujung warmly welcomes those who wish to stop for a while, feel the nature, and restore the breathe in them. Leaves rustling outside the window, the sound of windchimes greeting the breeze coming in through a crack in the door, various fragrances overflowing the space, the texture of air embracing me. Slowly cherish everything in Nujung, and discover the unique and precious time of relaxation.
Edited by STAYFOLIO Designed by Z_Lab Photo by Kihoon Park (@arc_factory)