KAI Hakone


Japanese-style Room with River View FA4


Japanese-style tatami mat flooring living room and the adjoining bedroom with two twin low-frame beds.
#Private toilet#Bathtub#Sink

Check-in 15:00 / Check-out 12:00

4 guests (4 guests max)

Room size 51㎡

2 super single beds

  • Open-air bath
  • Indoor Spa
  • Walkway
  • Breakfast
  • Parking lot
  • Welcome tea
  • Room wear
  • Toothbrush
  • Towels
  • Wrapping cloth
  • Yukata (Room wear)
  • Japanese tea set
  • 어메니티세트(클렌징
  • 폼클렌징
  • 바디워시
  • 샴푸
  • 린스
  • 로션
  • 바디로션
  • 핸드워시)
  • Electric pot
  • Minibar
  • Room safe box
  • Hairdryer
  • Humidifying air purifier
  • TV
  • Refrigerator
  • wifi
Things to note
Find out more about your booking.
  • Things to note
  • Cancellation policy
Room rate policy

The room rates vary depending on the seasons. Please select a date through the calendar and check the price.

Room Occupancy (STD/MAX)
Japanese-style Suite with River View TB2 2/2
Western-style Room with Outdoor Bath RA2 2/2
Japanese-style Room with River View TD2(Double) 2/2
Western-style Room with River View TC3 2/2
Japanese-style Room with River View FA4 2/2
Japanese-style Room with River View FA5 2/2
  • Reservation is not confirmed real time, and we inform whether reservation is possible in less than 48 business hours.
  • Payment will not be processed immediately upon reservation request, it will be approved when reservation is confirmed.
  • Breakfast and dinner are included.
  • Exceeding the maximum number of occupants is prohibited.


Age Price Service inclusions
7 - 11 70% of the adult price Breakfast and dinner included
4 - 6 50% of the adult price Breakfast and dinner included
0 - 3 Free Extra bedding and meals are not included
Cancellation policy

Please refer to the refund policy below.
Refund policy may be change depending on the accommodation plan.
Refunds may not be available for consecutive nights and early bird discounts.

24 days before check-in No cancellation fee will be charged.
23 - 6 days before check-in 90% of the total price of the reservation will be chared.
5 days before check-in or no-show The total price of the reservation will be charged.
  • All cancellations and refunds are based on the date of written notification to the stay.
  • It takes at least 2 business days or more for written notice.
  • If you cancel a confirmed reservation within the penalty period, you will be refunded excluding a 4% fee for tax and transaction expenses.
  • Resale, hand-over, transfer, or exchange of stay vouchers is prohibited.
Things to note
  • The service contents and information provided by STAYFOLIO may vary depending on the resort circumstances.
  • About 20 local districts in Japan collect hotel accommodation tax for the purpose of promoting tourism. An accommodation tax of up to 1,000 JPY per person and night may be additionally charged upon check-in.
  • A valid government issued photo ID (passport) is required during check-in.
  • Rooms are assigned randomly. It is not possible to designate specific rooms.
  • 5 rooms above will be quoted under group rate and rate will change.
  • Compensation fee will be charged in case of loss or damage to bedding, equipment, facilities etc.
  • Commercial photography and video shooting without prior agreement are not allowed.

Enjoy Japanese Kaiseki with plenty of seasonal delicacies. Hakone, famous as a hot spring town, has long been famous for Kaiseki cuisine.

  • Onsen
    Known as a healing hot spring since ancient times, Hakone has 20 hot springs. Among them, Yumoto Onsen is the most historic hot spring. In a semi-open-air bath overlooking the lush green Mt. Yusaka, enjoy a relaxing bath while listening to the sound of the Sukumo River.
  • Library
    You can enjoy delicious coffee along with books on local history, culture, nature and crafts.
  • Shop
    You can purchase a variety of souvenirs, including local traditional crafts and sweets.